- Top level directory for web access:
- Top level directory local to NERSC computers (for collaborators):
Summary Files
FITS binary table with the RA, DEC bounds of each geometrical "brick" on the sky.
The subset of bricks which have g-, r-, or z-band imaging in this data release
can be identified using the has_image_g
, has_image_r
, and has_image_z
respectively. The bricks with a corresponding Tractor photometric catalog in
this release can be identified using the has_catalog
HDU1 (only HDU) - tags in the
Column |
Type |
Description |
char[8] |
Name of the brick. |
int32 |
A unique integer with 1-to-1 mapping to |
int16 |
A "priority" factor used for processing. |
int32 |
Dec row number. |
int32 |
Number of the brick within a Dec row. |
double |
RA of the center of the brick. |
double |
Dec of the center of the brick. |
double |
Lower RA boundary. |
double |
Upper RA boundary. |
double |
Lower Dec boundary. |
double |
Upper Dec boundary. |
byte |
This brick has imaging data in this band. |
byte |
This brick has imaging data in this band. |
byte |
This brick has imaging data in this band. |
byte |
This brick has Tractor photometry. |
Column |
Type |
Description |
char[1] |
double |
double |
float |
char[26] |
float |
float |
int32 |
float |
char[10] |
int32 |
char[31] |
float |
float |
float |
double |
double |
double |
double |
float |
float |
float |
float |
char[8] |
int32 |
char[82] |
int32 |
float[38] |
int32 |
int32 |
double |
double |
byte |
FITS binary table with almanac information (seeing, sky-brighness, etc.) about each individual CCD image. The subset of CCDs included in this release can be identified using the DR1 tag.
Merged photometric and spectroscopic catalog for 751,070 sources with spectroscopic redshifts from SDSS/DR12. This file is a binary FITS table with 4 extensions (HDUs). Each extension contains the following row-matched catalogs:
HDU1 - DECaLS photometry and related Tractor outputs, WISE forced photometry (http://unwise.me)
Column |
Type |
Description |
int32 |
Name of the brick. |
char[8] |
A unique integer with 1-to-1 mapping to |
int32 |
char[1] |
int32 |
char[4] |
double |
float |
double |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
char[1] |
fltarr[6] |
fltarr[6] |
fltarr[48] |
fltarr[48] |
fltarr[48] |
fltarr[6] |
bytarr[6] |
fltarr[6] |
fltarr[6] |
fltarr[6] |
fltarr[6] |
char[1] |
intarr[6] |
intarr[6] |
fltarr[4] |
fltarr[4] |
fltarr[4] |
intarr[4] |
fltarr[4] |
fltarr[4] |
fltarr[4] |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
float |
HDU2 - SDSS/DR12 spectroscopy (http://data.sdss3.org/sas/dr12/sdss/spectro/redux/specObj-dr12.fits )
HDU3 - SDSS/DR12 photometry (http://data.sdss3.org/sas/dr12/sdss/spectro/redux/photoPosPlate-dr12.fits)
The ZeroPoints-DR1.fits file contains information regarding the photometric and astrometric zero points for each CCD of every DECam image that is part of the DECaLS DR1 data release. Photometric zero points for each CCD are computed by identifying stars and comparing their instrumental magnitudes (measured in an approximately 7 arcsec diameter aperture) to color-selected stars in the PanSTARRS "qy" catalog.
HDU1 (only HDU) - tags in the
Column |
Type |
Description |
char[78] |
Name of the NOAO CP-reduced image FITS file. |
char[12] |
Unique DECam exposure number. |
float |
Exposure time in seconds. |
char[32] |
Filter used for observation. |
float |
Seeing in arcseconds determined by fitting a 2-dimensional gaussian to the median PSF of stars on the CCD. |
double |
Right Ascension in decimal degrees. |
double |
Declination in decimal degrees. |
float |
Median zero point for the entire image (median of all CCDs of the image). |
int32 |
CCD number (see DECam layout). |
char[3] |
CCD name (see DECam layout). |
double |
Central RA for the CCD. |
double |
Central Dec for the CCD. |
double |
Zeropoint for the CCD (AB mag). |
double |
Photometric rms for the CCD (in mag). |
double |
Sky rms (in counts). |
double |
Median astrometric offset for the CCD <PS1-DECaLS> in arcsec. |
double |
Median astrometric offset for the CCD <PS1-DECaLS> in arcsec |
int32 |
Number of stars found on the CCD. |
int32 |
Number of stars matched to PS1 (and used to compute the photometric zero points and astrometric offsets). |
float |
Median (g-i) color from the PS1 catalog of the matched stars. |
byte |
Included in the DR1 data set? 1=Yes, 0=No. Images that are non-photometric or on malfunctioning CCDs are excluded from DR1. |
Tractor Catalogs
FITS binary table containing Tractor photometry, documented here: http://legacysurvey.org/dr1/catalogs/.
Sweep Catalogs
Light-weight FITS binary tables (containing a subset of the most commonly used Tractor measurements) of all the Tractor catalogs in a given degree of right ascension <AAA>.
Image Stacks
FITS binary table with the list of CCD images that were used in this brick. EXPNUM indicates the DECam exposure ID and FILTER indicates the filter (u,g,r).
Stacked image centered on a brick location covering 0.25° × 0.25°. The primary HDU contains the coadded image (simple unweighted coadd), in units of nano-maggies per pixel.
NOTE: These are not the images used by Tractor, which operates on the single-epoch images.
Corresponding stacked inverse variance image based on the sum of the inverse-variances of the individual input images in units of 1/(nano-maggies)² per pixel.
NOTE: These are not the inverse variance maps used by Tractor, which operates on the single-epoch images.
Stacked model image centered on a brick location covering 0.25° × 0.25°.
The Tractor's idea of what the coadded images should look like; the Tractor's model prediction.
Stacked χ² image, which is approximately the summed χ² values from the single-epoch images.
Stacked depth map in units of the point-source inverse-variance at each pixel.
The 5σ point-source depth can be computed as 5 / sqrt(depth_ivar) .
Number of exposures contributing to each pixel of the stacked images.
JPEG image of calibrated image using the g,r,z filters as the colors.
JPEG image of the Tractor's model image using the g,r,z filters as the colors.
JPEG image of the residual image (data minus model) using the g,r,z filters as the colors.
Raw Data
See the raw data page.